by authority of
His Grace Derwin de Sédang, Prince Regent and Duke of Sedang
Regal Decree 0196 of January 1, 1996
Part 1: The Fons Honorum
01. | The Prince or Princess Regent (“the Regent”) is the successor to the roles and duties of king and head of the nobility of His Majesty Marie the First, King of the Sedang. |
02. | Titles of nobility are conferred by the Regent to other persons by issue of Letters Patent. |
03. | The Assembly For the Restoration of the Sedang Assembly may confer titles of nobility only to the Regent. |
04. | Sedang titles of nobility are granted for the personal satisfaction of their recipients and have no connection to the Empire of Annam, the Empire of Vietnam or to the past or present governments of Vietnam, France or French Indo-China. |
05. | Persons of honourable character who provided meritorious service to Sedang, the Regent, the Sedang nobility, humanitarian causes, science, the arts, government, the military, the professions, business or commerce are eligible to receive a Sedang title of nobility. |
06. | Persons who have been convicted of a criminal offense or able-bodied persons who, without reasonable cause, have been dependent on a state or government for their keep are ineligible to receive a title of nobility. |
07. | All awards of titles of nobility are at the discretion of the Regent, and there is no inherent or civil right to receive or maintain a title of nobility. |
08. | The ranks of the nobility, in descending order of precedence, are:
09. | Prefixes for nobility are:
Prince/Princess.........................His/Her Royal Highness
10. | The rank can be termed “Honourary” for recipients whose countries forbid them from receiving a title of nobility from a foreign prince or country. |
11. | The Regent reserves the right to create additional ranks or to abolish ranks at his or her discretion. |
12 | Titles of nobility will be either hereditary or life titles. Hereditary titles may be inherited by the descendants of the holder of the title. Life titles expire with the death, abdication or revocation of title of the holder. |
13. | Some titles of nobility will have a particule or territorial designation. A particule or territorial designation will be a territory, place name, geographic name, family or clan name or other description which the Prince Regent deems appropriate. |
14. | The spouse and children of a holder of a hereditary title may also use the title, but if the title has a particule or territorial designation, only the primary holder of the title and his or her spouse may use the particule or territorial designation. |
15. | A hereditary title and its particule or territorial designation, if any, will be inherited by a descendant appointed by the holder of the title. The surviving spouse and other descendants of a deceased or abdicated holder of the title will inherit the title without the particule or territorial designation. The title will then become hereditary to all its holders. |
16. | A life title, either with or without a particule or territorial designation, expires upon the death or abdication of the holder of the title and cannot be inherited or assigned to another person. |
17. | The spouse of a holder of a life title may use the title and particule or territorial designation, if any, for the duration of his or her life after the death of the holder of the life title but not after an abdication or revocation of the life title. |
18. | Descendants of the holder of a life title may not use the title. |
19. | Persons who have inherited a title of nobility may apply to the Regent to issue Letters Patent confirming their entitlement to the title upon supplying sufficient evidence of inheritance and entitlement to the title. |
20. | A holder of a title of nobility may not sell or give his or her title to an unrelated person or appoint an unrelated person as successor or heir to the title. Any such successions to a title will not be recognized as legitimate by the Regent, and the title will revert to the Regent. |
21. | Any title of nobility for which there is no heir reverts back to the Regent. |
22. | Hereditary titles are placed before life titles of the rank in the order of precedence. |
23. | Titles with a particule or territorial designation are placed before titles without a particule or territorial designation of the same rank in the order of precedence. |
24. | If all other features are equal, titles will be placed in order of precedence by seniority with the oldest titles being placed before the newer titles. |
25. | Members of the Assembly For the Restoration of the Sedang Nobility below the degree of Duke or Duchess are ranked as Marquises regardless of their actual rank while serving as Members of the Assembly. |
26. | All members of the nobility are expected to behave in an honourable manner which will not bring dishonour or disrepute to the Regent or the nobility of Sedang. |
27. | Recipients and heirs of Sedang titles of nobility have no military or political obligations to the Regent, the Assembly For the Restoration of the Sedang Nobility or the Kingdom of the Sedang. |
28. | All persons who receive, inherit or use a title of nobility are obliged to agree to and follow the rules of this Regulation. |
29. | The Regent may revoke a title of nobility and all privileges appertaining to it for any reason without prior notification or consent. |
30. | Inheritors of hereditary titles whose behaviour might bring disgrace to the Sedang nobility and be considered conduct unbecoming a noble person will have their titles revoked by the Regent, and their descendants will be ineligible to use or inherit the titles. |
31. | Failure to follow the rules of this regulation will result in revocation of titles of nobility and all privileges appertaining to them. |
32. | If a title of nobility is revoked, persons who have used the title by virtue of being related to the former holder of the title will also lose the right to use the title. |
33. | Persons who abdicate or renounce their titles or whose titles are revoked or who lose or dispose of their titles in any way are not entitled to any compensation or recompense, remuneration or payment of any kind, including money, material goods, intangible assets or services, from the Regent, any person who is currently or has formerly served as a Member of the Assembly For the Restoration of the Sedang Nobility or any person who is currently or has served as an appointed representative or delegate of the Regent, the Assembly or a Member of the Assembly. |
34. | Persons with foreign titles of nobility may apply to the Regent to register their titles of nobility and for the Regent’s recognition of the titles. Applicants for registration of titles must provide sufficient evidence of entitlement to the titles. |
35. | Persons with foreign titles of nobility may apply to the Regent to convert their titles to Sedang titles of nobility. |
36. | Persons who have registered or converted their foreign titles are subject to all the terms of this Regulation. |
37. | The Regent may appoint delegates or officers to perform any of the duties under this Regulation. |
38. | This Regulation may be amended or repealed by the Regent. |
39. | The consent of the Assembly For the Restoration of the Sedang Nobility or other state organs is not required for the Regent to amend or repeal this Regulation. |
Thus decided and decreed, this Regulation is duly registered at the Chancellery of the Prince Regent in Toronto, Canada, on January 1, 1996.
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